what are monks

what are monks

10 months ago 26

Monks are individuals who practice religious asceticism by living a monastic lifestyle, either alone or with other monks. They may dedicate their lives to serving others and serving God, or choose to live in prayer and contemplation. Monks can be found in various religions and philosophies, and they are known for their single-minded devotion to the religious life. Within Catholicism, monks are members of a religious order who live a communal life in a monastery, abbey, or priory under a monastic rule of life. There are different categories of monks, including cenobites, hermits, anchorites, and hesychasts. Monks tend to live a simple life of prayer and work, and they may live apart from society or in organized communities. Monasticism, or the practice of living as a monk, exists in several religions, including Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism.

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