what are moon rocks made of

what are moon rocks made of

1 year ago 44

Moon rocks refer to rocks originating from Earths Moon. These rocks can be categorized into two main types: those found in the lunar highlands (terrae) and those in the maria. The highlands consist dominantly of mafic plutonic rocks, while mare basalts come in three distinct series in direct relation to their titanium content: high-Ti basalts, low-Ti basalts, and Very Low-Ti (VLT) basalts. Anorthosite is a calcium-rich white rock that is believed to make up the ancient crust of the Moon. It is made up almost entirely of plagioclase feldspar, a common, light-weight, light-colored mineral on Earth. Moon rocks are depleted in volatiles and are completely lacking in hydrated minerals common in Earth rocks.

It is important to note that "moon rocks" can also refer to a cannabis product consisting of a cannabis bud, dipped in cannabis concentrate, and rolled in kief. This product is known for its high potency, with THC levels hovering around 50% .

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