Mormon garments, also known as temple garments, are a type of underwear worn by members of the Latter Day Saint movement after they have taken part in the endowment ceremony. The garment is given as part of the washing and anointing portion of the endowment and is considered sacred and not suitable for public display. Only adult or senior members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who have made sacred promises in the temple can wear temple garments. The purpose of the garment is to remind the wearer of the commitments made with the Lord in the temple and to emphasize the need to dress humbly and to lead a life that’s modest, simple, and Christ-like. The garments are made in two pieces and are similar to an undershirt and shorts. They are usually made of white material and adorned with sacred Mormon symbols. The garments are sometimes derided as "magic underwear" by non-Mormons, but Mormons view this terminology to be both misleading and offensive. The garments are unique to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and are comparable to other religious clothing or pieces of dresses worn by other religions, such as a nun’s habit, a priest’s collar, a Jewish yarmulke and prayer shawl, a Muslim skull cap or hajib, or the Sikh’s turban.