what are mummies wrapped in

what are mummies wrapped in

1 year ago 40

Mummies are wrapped in layers upon layers of linen. After the flesh is dehydrated, the priests carefully wind the long strips of linen around the body, sometimes even wrapping each finger and toe separately before wrapping the entire hand or foot. Amulets are placed among the wrappings, and prayers and magical words are written on some of the linen strips to protect the dead from mishap. A top coat of resin is applied to ensure protection from moisture. The mummified body is then placed in a coffin and sealed in a tomb. The process of mummification varied depending on the period and the price paid for it. The best prepared and preserved mummies are from the Eighteenth through the Twentieth Dynasties of the New Kingdom (ca. 1570–1075 BCE).

In summary, mummies are wrapped in layers of linen, with amulets placed among the wrappings and prayers and magical words written on some of the linen strips. A top coat of resin is applied to ensure protection from moisture, and the mummified body is then placed in a coffin and sealed in a tomb.

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