Homecoming mums are a Texas tradition that began in the early 1900s and have since become a statement-making hallmark of high school life in the Lone Star State. A mum is a large arrangement of ribbons, bells, charms, and a button sewn together and designed to be worn pinned to a womans dress or, if it gets too big, around a woman’s neck. The male counterpart to a mum is the garter, which is a smaller, less flashy version of the mum designed to fit around a man’s arm. The mum was traditionally designed and ordered by the male date and the garter was designed and ordered by the female date, to be later exchanged on the night before the homecoming football game. However, many high school students now buy their own. The larger, more elaborate mum designs didnt hit the scene until about the 1970s, and since then, they have continued to grow. Today, mums are usually made up of some combination of oversized silk flowers, ribbons, bows, feathers, sequins, charms, stuffed animals, photographs, and glittery letters all attached to a backing and hung around the neck. Frequently, theyre made in school colors and will display the wearers interests and personality. Boys wear smaller versions called garters on elastic bands on their arms. The cost of a mum can range anywhere from $10 to upwards of $600, depending on size and accessories.