what are my skin undertones

what are my skin undertones

1 year ago 36

Determining your skin undertones is important when choosing makeup and clothing that complement your natural hue. Here are some ways to identify your skin undertones:

  • Vein Test: Look at the veins on your wrist under natural light. If they appear blue, you probably have cool undertones. If they appear green, you probably have warm undertones. If you cant tell, you may have neutral undertones.

  • Jewelry Test: Hold up a piece of gold and a piece of silver jewelry against your skin. If you look better with gold, you probably have warm undertones. If you look better with silver, you probably have cool undertones.

  • White Cloth Test: Put a white cloth next to your bare face in natural light. If your skin looks slightly yellow, you probably have warm undertones. If your skin looks red or rosy, you probably have cool undertones. If you cant tell, you may have neutral undertones.

  • Complexion Test: Look at the overall complexion of your skin. If your skin is pale, pinkish-red, olive, brown with a pink undertone, or dark brown with blue or red undertones, you may have cool undertones. If your skin is tan, brown, dark brown, or pale with golden undertones, you may have warm undertones.

Its important to note that your undertone isnt the same thing as your natural skin tone. Even the fairest skin can have warm undertones, and darker skin can have cool ones. Knowing your undertone can help you choose foundation or color palettes that best suit your hue.

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