what are netizens kpop

what are netizens kpop

1 year ago 42

Netizens in Kpop refer to Korean fans who are online intensively. They are a group of internet users who participate in online communities, exchange opinions, give information, comment, vote, and use various websites and social media on the internet. Netizens are synonymous with cybercitizens and are active participants in political society using the internet. The term netizen originated in the 1990s and served as a descriptor for engineers and early internet users who participated in the affairs of governing and making decisions about the internet and how it can impact offline society. Over time, the term has evolved to become a broader description of anyone actively engaged in online communities. In Korea, where internet communication tools are used very intensively and effectively, netizens pose substantial power in both political and social fields via their comments shared on online communities. Netizens are also highly active in other Korean media streams such as K-Pop and K-Drama, but they are most influential in the Kpop realm. They can show their reactions to events in the world of K-pop swiftly and change the course of events with their organized comments, votes, and online posts.

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