what are nitrates in food

what are nitrates in food

1 year ago 46

Nitrates are nitrogen-based compounds that are found naturally in the soil, air, water, and many vegetables. They are also added to processed meats, such as bacon, hot dogs, and cold cuts, as a preservative and to enhance flavor, color, and texture. Nitrates are converted to nitrites in the stomachs acidic environment, and nitrites can cause health complications such as an increased risk of cancer. However, nitrates from vegetables can be converted to nitric oxide in the body, which has been shown to have a number of benefits, such as regulating blood pressure and improving circulation. The following are some key points about nitrates in food:

  • Nitrates are nitrogen-based compounds that are found naturally in the soil, air, water, and many vegetables.
  • They are also added to processed meats as a preservative and to enhance flavor, color, and texture.
  • Nitrates from vegetables can be converted to nitric oxide in the body, which has been shown to have a number of benefits, such as regulating blood pressure and improving circulation.
  • Nitrites can cause health complications such as an increased risk of cancer.
  • There is no recommendation to limit vegetables that naturally contain nitrates.
  • Foods labeled “natural” or “no nitrates added” may still contain nitrates/nitrites due to the use of celery.
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