what are open and closed syllables

what are open and closed syllables

1 year ago 52

Open and closed syllables are two types of syllables in English. Here are the key characteristics of each:

Open Syllables

  • End with a vowel sound that is spelled with a single vowel letter (a, e, i, o, or u).
  • The vowel is "open" because nothing comes after it except open space.
  • The vowel says its long sound.
  • Examples include "no," "my," and "we".

Closed Syllables

  • End with a consonant.
  • The vowel is "closed in" by a consonant.
  • The vowel usually says its short sound.
  • Examples include "cap," "sit," and "up".

Teaching open and closed syllables can be done through various activities, such as sorting words with open and closed syllable patterns, using syllable tags above words, and practicing phoneme-grapheme spelling. Its important to note that open and closed syllables are just two of the six syllable types in English, but they are the easiest for students to master.

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