A pictograph is a graphic representation of data using images, icons, or symbols. Each image or symbol in a pictograph represents a certain number of things or a certain frequency of data. Pictographs are often used in writing and graphic systems in which the characters are to a considerable extent pictorial in appearance. They are also used in many areas of modern life for commodity purposes, often as a formal language. Pictographs are one of the simplest ways of representing data and are used in concepts like data handling. They help in laying the foundation for data interpretation based on pictorial information. Pictographs are used in statistics to represent data using icons and images relevant to the data. A key is often included in pictographs to indicate what each icon represents. The different steps to make a pictograph include collecting relevant information, selecting symbols or images, and creating a table or list of data. Pictographs are also known as pictorial charts, pictograph charts, picture charts, and pictogram charts.