what are retractions in breathing

what are retractions in breathing

1 year ago 33

Retractions in breathing occur when a person is having difficulty getting enough air into their lungs, and the muscles between the ribs tighten with more force to breathe in more air. This causes a drawing in of the muscles and tissues between the ribs as they suck inward, which can be seen as the person tries to inhale. Retractions are a sign that someone is working hard to breathe, and they can affect children and adults. There are different types of retractions depending on their location, including subcostal, substernal, suprasternal, superclavical, and intercostal retractions.

Retractions can be caused by various conditions, such as asthma, pneumonia, severe allergic reactions, and a blocked airway. When retractions occur, someone should seek medical attention immediately, as they are a symptom of severe respiratory distress and can quickly become life-threatening. Emergency treatment may include oxygen as well as medications to reduce swelling. Once the immediate threat is over, a doctor will endeavor to diagnose and treat the underlying condition.

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