what are tabi shoes

what are tabi shoes

1 year ago 94

Tabi shoes, also known as jika-tabi or tabi boots, are a style of footwear with a divided toe, originating in Japan. They are similar to tabi socks in both appearance and construction. The split-toe design of tabi shoes is thought to promote balance and stability for natural movement by separating the big toe—a holistic reflexology strategy that promotes a clear mind.

Tabi shoes were originally a type of leather shoe made from a single animal hide, as evidenced by historical usage and the earlier form of the word, tanbi, spelled 単皮, with the kanji literally signifying "single hide". Over time, tabi evolved into a kind of split-toed sock that is not meant to be worn alone outdoors, much like regular socks. However, around the 1900s, rubber soles were added for outdoor activities, and these became known as jika-tabi, which are still worn as workers shoes today.

The benefits of wearing tabi shoes include increased flexibility, extra security, comfort, and stability. Internal research done by the Marugo Tabi Company of Japan demonstrated a 30% increase in measured toe strength (Kg) after only 1 month of wearing minimalist tabi shoes.

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