what are tangible assets

what are tangible assets

1 year ago 33

Tangible assets are physical assets that have a finite monetary value and usually a physical form. They can be touched, seen, and felt, and are used to drive future economic benefits for a company. Examples of tangible assets include land, buildings, vehicles, furniture, equipment, and inventory.

Tangible assets are different from current assets, such as cash or bank accounts, because the latter are liquid assets. In accounting, tangible assets are often referred to as fixed assets, which are assets and property that may not easily be converted into cash. Fixed assets are different from current assets because they are not expected to be sold or consumed within a year.

Tangible assets are recorded on the balance sheet, usually as a long-term asset. They are usually less liquid than intangible assets, which have a theorized value rather than a transactional exchange value. Tangible assets are the main type of asset that companies use to produce their products and services.

In summary, tangible assets are physical assets that have a finite monetary value and usually a physical form. They are different from current assets and are recorded on the balance sheet as a long-term asset. Examples of tangible assets include land, buildings, vehicles, furniture, equipment, and inventory.

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