what are tennis rackets made of

what are tennis rackets made of

1 year ago 36

Tennis rackets are made of a variety of materials, including graphite, carbon fiber composites, fiberglass, metals such as titanium alloys, ceramics, and wood). Modern rackets are mainly composed of graphite, with strips of graphite wrapped around a racket mold and left to harden. The direction the graphite fibers run in the prepreg plays a significant role in how a racquet will play. The wooden tennis racket was manufactured in quantity until the early 1980s when metal and later composites took over. The recognized success of metal rackets in the early 1970s led to experimentation with other non-traditional materials, particularly glass fiber and the newly developed carbon fiber.

In summary, tennis rackets are made of a variety of materials, with graphite being the most common. The direction of the graphite fibers plays a significant role in how a racquet will play. Wood was the primary material used for tennis rackets until the early 1980s when metal and later composites took over.

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