what are the 9 solfeggio frequencies

what are the 9 solfeggio frequencies

1 year ago 39

The Solfeggio Frequencies are a set of ancient musical frequencies that are believed to have healing properties and can be used to elicit either a mental or physical response. The primary 9 Solfeggio frequencies range from 174 Hz to 963 Hz. The frequencies and their benefits are:

  1. 174 Hz - Relieves pain and stress, enhances concentration, and provides a sense of security to the organs in the body.
  2. 285 Hz - Promotes cellular healing and regeneration, emotional balance, and peace of mind.
  3. 396 Hz - Removes negative belief systems, liberates from trauma, turns guilt into joy, removes obstacles, and is excellent for grounding and the Root Chakra.
  4. 417 Hz - Removes negative energy, facilitates change and growth, enhances creativity and problem-solving.
  5. 528 Hz - Known as the "miracle" tone, promotes healing and repair of DNA, enhances love, peace, and harmony, and attracts love and prosperity.
  6. 639 Hz - Harmonizes relationships, brings love and compassion, and balances emotions.
  7. 741 Hz - Cleanses the body of toxins, enhances problem-solving, and boosts the immune system.
  8. 852 Hz - Enhances intuition, awakens inner strength, and promotes spiritual growth.
  9. 963 Hz - Known as the "frequency of the Gods," creates room for oneness and unity with the spiritual world.

It is recommended to listen to the frequencies with earphones at a moderately low volume, and they dont need to be loud to be effective.

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