what are the different communication models

what are the different communication models

1 year ago 43

There are different models of communication that help us understand the communication process and how it works. These models provide a visual representation of the various aspects of a communication encounter and simplify the process. Here are the different communication models:

  1. Linear Models: These models suggest that communication takes place only in one direction. The main elements in these models are the channel, the sender, and the receiver. Examples of linear models include Aristotle’s Model, Lasswell’s Model, and Shannon-Weaver Model.

  2. Interactive Models: These models look at two-way communication. They highlight that feedback may get delayed when messages are exchanged between the sender and receiver. Examples of interactive models include the Osgood-Schramm Model and the Westley and Maclean Model.

  3. Transactional Models: These models look at two-way communication where the message gets more complex as the communication event progresses. Examples of transactional models include Barnlund’s transactional model and Dance’s helical model.

There are also other types of communication models, such as cognitive communication models, relational communication models, cultural communication models, mediated communication models, integrated communication models, network communication models, organizational communication models, interpersonal communication models, and public communication models. Understanding the different types of communication models and how they contribute to our interactions and relationships can be extremely valuable, particularly for business owners.

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