JROTC, or Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps, has a set of expectations for its cadets. These expectations are designed to help cadets develop leadership skills, self-discipline, and respect for others. Here are some of the expectations of JROTC cadets:
Follow the chain of command: Cadets are expected to follow the chain of command for resolution of JROTC-related issues. This means that they should go to their Flight Commander, Squadron Commander, Group Commander, Aerospace Science Instructor, or Senior Aerospace Science Instructor to address problems or concerns, rather than going directly to the Cadet Group/CC, ASI, or SASI without their FLT/CC or FLT/SGT with them.
Use respectful language: Cadets are expected to use the titles "sir/maam" when addressing JROTC staff and senior ranking cadets.
Maintain bearing and conduct: Cadets are expected to maintain their bearing and conduct, arrive on time for class, and greet the teacher on the way into class.
Avoid negative behaviors: Cadets are expected to avoid negative behaviors such as failing to respond with "sir/maam" when speaking with an adult, wearing hats in class, rendering half-hearted or sloppy salutes to the Stars and Stripes or their officers, cutting class, ganging up on anyone, questioning lawful orders, lying, cheating, breaking their word, cursing, or swearing.
Support fellow cadets: Cadets are expected to not abandon a fellow cadet in time of need and not let down their fellow cadets by succumbing to drug temptation.
These expectations are designed to help cadets develop the skills and qualities needed to become successful leaders and responsible citizens.