what are the four vedas

what are the four vedas

1 year ago 31

The Vedas are considered the oldest Hindu texts and are split into four major texts that contain hymns, mythological accounts, poems, prayers, and formulas considered sacred to the Vedic religion. The four Vedas are:

  1. Rig Veda: The oldest and most important of the four Vedas, containing hymns in praise of various deities.
  2. Sama Veda: Consists mainly of hymns about religious rituals.
  3. Yajur Veda: Contains instructions for religious rituals.
  4. Atharva Veda: Contains hymns, magic spells, and incantations, including various local traditions and remains partly outside the Vedic sacrifice.

The Vedas were written in Vedic Sanskrit between 1500 and 500 BCE in the northwestern region of the Indian Subcontinent and were transmitted orally during the course of numerous subsequent generations before finally being archived in written form. The Vedas were not the work of any single author, but rather composed by many rishis (sages) living simple lives in ancient India. The great rishi, Vyasa, compiled all of their hymns and texts into four collections which are now known as the Vedas.

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