what are the gloves base runners wear

what are the gloves base runners wear

1 year ago 33

Base runners in baseball wear a specialized piece of protective equipment called a sliding mitt or oven mitt. The sliding mitt is designed to protect the hand and fingers of the base runner while running the bases, especially when sliding headfirst into a base. The sliding mitt has extra cushioning on the palm, fingers, and hand to absorb impact and reduce the risk of injuries. It also has protective plating around it, which helps prevent injury. The sliding mitt is easy to take on and off, and it features a non-slip surface on the palm, which provides improved grip and control, allowing players to execute smooth and controlled slides. The sliding mitt is a combination of two separate pieces of safety equipment that some baseball players wore to prevent injuries when sliding into a base. Before the sliding mitt, players were taught to hold their batting gloves in their hands or even a fistful of dirt as a reminder to keep their hands in the air for as much of the sliding process as possible. The sliding mitt has been around for years and is readily available for players who favor protective equipment.

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