The main elements of Indian polity are as follows:
Constitution: The Constitution of India is the fundamental law of the land and contains the principles of governance and detailed administrative provisions. It is the guiding light of the Indian polity and governance structure.
Political System: The Indian political system is federal in nature, with a union of states and territories. It has three organs - legislature (which makes laws), executive (which implements laws), and judiciary (which interprets laws). India is a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic, republic.
Panchayat Raj: The Panchayat Raj system is a three-tier system of local self-government in India. It is a system of governance in which gram panchayats are the basic units of administration.
Public Policy: Public policy refers to the principles, goals, and actions adopted by the government to address public issues. It includes policies related to education, health, welfare, and economic development, among others.
Rights Issues: Rights issues refer to the various rights guaranteed to Indian citizens by the Constitution, such as fundamental rights, directive principles, and fundamental duties. These rights are an integral part of the Indian polity and governance structure.
The Indian polity is a vast landscape with cultural, linguistic, and geographical diversity. However, the Constitution, the political system, Panchayat Raj, public policy, and rights issues are some of the key elements that bind India as a nation together.