what are the peculiar features of nazi thinking

what are the peculiar features of nazi thinking

1 year ago 41

The peculiar features of Nazi thinking are a set of practices and a system of belief that were linked to the crimes committed by the Nazis. Hitlers worldview and ideology of Nazi were synonymous. The following are some of the key features of Nazi thinking:

  • Racial Hierarchy: According to Nazi ideology, there was only a racial hierarchy, and there was no equality between people. Jews were at the lowest rung, while Nordic German Aryans, blue-eyed, blond people, were at the top. Depending upon their external features, all other colored people were placed in between.

  • Belief in Racism: Nazis highly believed in racism. They divided people based on their race and believed that the right to rule and survive should be confined to the strongest caste only. The strongest race would survive, and the weakest would perish.

  • Lebensraum: Hitlers another ideology was the concept of living space or Lebensraum, a geopolitical concept. To enhance the area of the mother country, new territories had to be acquired for settlement. This is to enhance the power and material resources of the German nation.

  • Elimination of Jews: Nazis propagated that the Jews were responsible for the economic misery of the Germans. They wanted to create a separate racial community of pure Germans by physically eliminating all those who were seen as undesirable by them. The Nazi argument was simple. The strongest race would survive, and the weak ones would perish. The Aryan race was the finest. It had to retain its purity, become stronger, and dominate the world.

  • War and Aggression: Nazis propagated war and glorified aggression.

  • Dictatorship: Nazis did not tolerate other parties and tried to crush all other organizations and parties and wanted to remove socialism, communism, and democracy from Germany.

In summary, the peculiar features of Nazi thinking include a belief in racial hierarchy, racism, Lebensraum, elimination of Jews, war and aggression, and dictatorship.

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