The responsibilities of power can vary depending on the context, but generally, power-holders have a responsibility to take care of things and to use their power responsibly. Here are some examples of responsibilities of power:
Compassion: Those in power should be compassionate and considerate of the needs and well-being of others.
Education: Power-holders should use their power to educate and inform others, particularly on issues related to global security and prosperity.
Responsible sovereignty: Governments must cooperate across borders to safeguard common resources and tackle common threats.
Balancing power and responsibility: Power and responsibility are two sides of the same coin, and it is important to exercise an appropriate balance between them to ensure that power is used in the interest of others as well as oneself.
Delegation: Leaders cannot do everything on their own and should learn to develop others within the organization and delegate duties appropriately.
Avoiding bullying: Power-holders should avoid using their power to bully others, as this can have damaging effects on organizations and society.
Overall, those in power have a responsibility to use their power for the greater good and to consider the impact of their actions on others.