what are the significant contributions of the spaniards and americans to the development of science and technology in the philippines

what are the significant contributions of the spaniards and americans to the development of science and technology in the philippines

1 year ago 35

The colonization of the Philippines by the Spaniards and Americans contributed to the growth of science and technology in the country. Here are some of the significant contributions of the Spaniards and Americans to the development of science and technology in the Philippines:

Contributions of the Spaniards:

  • Introduction of Western scientific knowledge: The Spaniards brought with them knowledge in various fields such as astronomy, medicine, and engineering, which they shared with the Filipinos.

  • Establishment of educational institutions: The Spaniards established schools and universities, such as the University of Santo Tomas, which played a crucial role in the dissemination of scientific knowledge.

  • Botanical studies: Spanish botanists conducted extensive studies on Philippine flora, documenting and classifying numerous plant species.

  • Infrastructure development: The Spaniards built bridges, roads, churches, and planned how the towns and cities should look like.

  • Health and medical advancements: Spanish doctors and scientists introduced modern medical practices and established hospitals and medical schools. They also conducted research on tropical diseases prevalent in the Philippines.

Contributions of the Americans:

  • Introduction of modern modes of transport: The Americans introduced new modes of transport like cars and airplanes, modern roads, and they pushed for the installation of power all over the country.

  • Infrastructure development: The Americans built roads, bridges, and other infrastructure projects, which required engineering and technological expertise.

  • Health and medical advancements: American doctors and scientists introduced modern medical practices and established hospitals and medical schools. They also conducted research on tropical diseases prevalent in the Philippines.

  • Telecommunications and transportation: The Americans introduced telegraph and telephone systems, as well as improved transportation networks.

  • Establishment of educational institutions: The Americans established public schoo...

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