what are the strings on a ukulele

what are the strings on a ukulele

1 year ago 34

The strings on a ukulele are typically made of nylon polymers, synthetic gut, or fluorocarbon, or wound strings composed of a nylon core wound with metal or polymers, including aluminum and silver-plated copper. The ukulele generally employs four strings, which are numbered 4-3-2-1, with string 4 being closest to the ceiling and string 1 being closest to the floor when holding the ukulele like youre playing it. The standard string notes for soprano, concert, and tenor ukuleles are G-C-E-A. The fattest string is the C-string unless you are using low-G tuning. Baritone ukuleles have a different tuning, which is D-G-B-E. It is important to know the string names and numbers to tune the ukulele correctly and navigate the fretboard.

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