what are the three components of a map

what are the three components of a map

1 year ago 43

The three components of a map are distance, direction, and symbols. These components are essential for creating a map that accurately represents a large area in two dimensions. Here is a brief description of each component:

  • Distance: Maps are drawings that reduce the entire world or a part of it to fit on a sheet of paper. Therefore, a scale is chosen to represent the distance between places accurately. The scale is the ratio between the actual distance on the ground and the distance shown on the map.

  • Direction: Directions are shown with an arrow on a map. The main directions are north, south, east, and west, which are called the cardinal directions. The intermediary directions are northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest.

  • Symbols: It is impossible to show the actual shape and size of different features such as buildings, roads, bridges, trees, railway lines, or a well on a map. Therefore, symbols are used to represent these features. Symbols are globally accepted and give a lot of information in a limited space.

In addition to these three components, there are other elements of a map that should be included to aid the viewer in understanding the communication of the map and to document the source of the geographic information used. These elements include the map frame, legend, north arrow, map title, and map scale.

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