what are the various techniques in summarizing academic text

what are the various techniques in summarizing academic text

1 year ago 41

There are various techniques for summarizing academic text, and some of them are:

  1. Read the text first: Before summarizing, it is important to read the entire text to understand the authors intent.

  2. Identify the main ideas: Identify the main ideas of the text and the authors thesis.

  3. Use visual formats: Present information through facts, skills, and concepts in visual formats.

  4. Develop new sentences: From the collection of main ideas, develop new sentences that are more concise but representative of each paragraph.

  5. Include the title and author: Include the title and author in the first sentence of the summary.

  6. Use precise language: Use precise, specific language to express the overarching ideas of the text.

  7. Omit unnecessary information: Decide which concepts to leave in and which to omit, taking into consideration your purposes in summarizing and also your view of what is important in this text.

  8. Use synonyms: Use synonyms or change the word order of your sentence.

  9. Use the SAAC method: The SAAC method is another useful technique for summarizing any kind of text. SAAC is an acronym for "State, Amplify, Apply, and Conclude".

Summarizing academic text is a useful study tool as well as good writing practice. A summary has two aims: (1) to reproduce the overarching ideas in a text, identifying the general concepts that run through the entire piece, and (2) to express these overarching ideas using precise, specific language.

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