what are tom toms

what are tom toms

1 year ago 40

Tom-toms, also known as tom drums, are cylindrical drums with no snares that can be tuned to different pitches. They were added to the drum kit in the early part of the 20th century and are now an integral part of every drum set. Most toms range in size between 6 and 20 inches in diameter, though floor toms can go as large as 24 inches. Tom-toms can be single-headed or double-headed, and the drums can be tunable or have heads that are tacked to the shell.

There are four types of tom-toms: rack toms, floor toms, concert toms, and rototoms. Rack toms and floor toms are the most common types and are collectively called tom-tom drums. Most drum sets come with three toms, with two being mounted directly above the bass drum and a larger floor-standing drum.

Toms are mostly used in drum fills, which usually occur at transitional points in music, such as when passing from a verse to a chorus. They are used to create interesting drum combinations that mark these transitions. Aside from their effectiveness in drum fills, toms are a lot of fun to play and are an essential part of the drummers musical palette.

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