In the context of the TV show Loki, a variant is a person who does something they are not supposed to in the "Sacred Timeline" of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and thus branches away into an alternate version of events. The Time Variance Authority (TVA) is responsible for preventing the Marvel Universe from breaking into an infinite number of uncontrollable multiverses, some of which would inevitably be dark and chaotic – perhaps even posing a threat to our own. The TVA identifies and captures variants, and the Loki series introduces us to several alternate versions of the God of Mischief, including Kid Loki, Classic Loki, Boastful Loki, and Alligator Loki. These variants are different because they are whosoever plays the role of Loki in that universe, and they are sent to Alioth to die but manage to survive by hiding, etc. Essentially, all Loki variants in Loki are when Loki has made a different choice, and the consequence has been severe enough to change the future. In the MCU, we have seen several Loki variants, including Loki Prime, Lady Loki/Sylvie, Classic Loki, Kid Loki, Boastful Loki, Alligator Loki, and President Loki.