what are warm blooded animals

what are warm blooded animals

1 year ago 31

Warm-blooded animals are those whose bodies maintain a temperature higher than that of their environment, and they can regulate their internal body temperature to maintain a constant temperature. They are also known as endothermic animals. Homeothermic species, including birds and mammals, maintain a stable body temperature by regulating metabolic processes. Warm-blooded animals can survive in any temperature range as they can adapt to it easily. Some examples of warm-blooded animals are mammals and birds.

In contrast, cold-blooded animals, also known as ectothermic animals, cannot regulate their internal body temperature with the change in the environment. Their body temperature varies with the temperature of the surrounding environment. They cannot sustain in extreme temperature conditions. Examples of cold-blooded animals are reptiles, fish, insects, amphibians, and other creatures except mammals and birds.

In summary, the main difference between warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals is that warm-blooded animals can regulate their internal body temperature, while cold-blooded animals cannot.

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