what attracts mosquitoes

what attracts mosquitoes

1 year ago 43

Mosquitoes are attracted to a variety of factors, including:

  • Carbon dioxide: Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide that humans and other animals emit when they breathe.

  • Body odor: Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of lactic acid, uric acid, ammonia, and other substances that are released when we sweat. People with higher levels of certain compounds called carboxylic acids on their skin are also more attractive to mosquitoes.

  • Body heat: Mosquitoes are attracted to heat because it means food.

  • Clothing: Mosquitoes use visual cues to find potential meals, so they may be more likely to bite people wearing dark clothing that stands out from the horizon. Breathable fabrics such as cotton also provide mosquitoes easier access to get to your skin underneath.

  • Beer consumption: Multiple studies have demonstrated that beer consumption can make humans more attractive to mosquitoes.

  • Blood type: The question of whether mosquitoes prefer a certain blood type is controversial, but some studies suggest that people with type O blood may be more attractive to mosquitoes.

To avoid mosquito bites, its best to wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and closed-toed shoes, and to wear light-colored clothing made from tighter woven fabrics. Its also important to eliminate sources of standing water in your yard, as mosquitoes lay their eggs in pools of still water.

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