Rats are attracted to a variety of things, including food, shelter, waste, water, plants, and nesting materials. Here are some specific things that attract rats:
Food: Rats are most attracted to food, including scraps, crumbs, and garbage. They will also eat pet food, birdseed, fallen fruit, and vegetables from gardens.
Shelter: Rats need a place to stay warm and dry, especially during the winter months. They may seek shelter in your home, garage, or shed.
Waste: Rats are attracted to waste, including pet waste and unsecured garbage containers.
Water: Rats need a source of water to survive, so they may be attracted to bird baths, kiddie pools, or standing water.
Plants: Rats may be attracted to plants that provide a source of food, such as fruit trees and vegetable gardens.
To keep rats away, its important to eliminate these attractants. This includes keeping your home and yard clean and tidy, storing food in sealed containers, and disposing of waste properly. You should also seal any openings in your homes exterior to prevent rats from entering.