what beats clefable

what beats clefable

1 year ago 32

To beat Clefable in Pokemon Go, players should use Pokemon with Poison or Steel-type moves, as Clefable is weak against these types. Some of the best Pokemon to use against Clefable include:

  • Shadow Metagross
  • Mega Gengar
  • Mega Beedrill
  • Shadow Excadrill
  • Metagross
  • Mega Rayquaza
  • Nihilego

These Pokemon have been found to be the best counters overall to defeat Clefable. It is also important to choose Pokemon with equal or higher Combat Power (CP) than that of the Clefable being battled, and to use moves that Clefable is weak against to deal more damage during battle. Other Pokemon that have been suggested as good counters for Clefable include Heatran, which has resistances to many of Clefables moves, and Excadrill, which is both a Ground and Steel-type and can deal with Clefables Fairy-type moves.

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