what birds mate for life

what birds mate for life

1 year ago 47

Several bird species mate for life, but it is not as common as previously thought. Most birds are not monogamous and do not mate for life. However, some bird species form long-term bonds and stay together for years, if not for life. Here are some examples of birds that mate for life:

  • Bald Eagle
  • Laysan Albatross
  • Mute Swan
  • Scarlet Macaw
  • Whooping Crane
  • California Condor
  • Barn Owl
  • Osprey
  • Cranes
  • Geese
  • Eagles
  • Condors
  • Swans
  • Owls

It is important to note that even among birds that mate for life, divorce or separation can occur in some cases.

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