The ideal bitrate for streaming depends on several factors, including your available bandwidth, resolution, and frames per second (fps). Here are some guidelines from various sources:
Kaltura: For video streaming, your upload needs will range from about 3.5 Mbps (the low end for SD video) to 8 or 9 Mbps (the high end for Full HD video).
IBM Video Streaming: A good rule of thumb is for the bitrate of your stream to use no more than 50% of your available upload bandwidth capacity on a dedicated line. The table on their website provides recommended configurations for higher and lower bitrates and resolutions.
Videomaker: The best bitrate for your Twitch channel will depend on the resolution of your stream and its frames per second. For 1080p at 30 fps, you can get by with a low 3,500 kbps, but 4,500 to 5,000 kbps will look better. For 720p at 60 fps, the best bitrate is 4,500 kbps, but you can go up to 6,000 kbps for better streaming performance.
Reddit: The best bitrate for 720p streaming is 4,500 Kbps at 60 frames per second and 3,000 kbps at 30 frames per second. However, the ideal bitrate depends on what you are streaming, such as fast-motion or slow-motion video, and your internet speed.
Restream Blog: For 1080p videos, the ideal bitrate ranges from 3,500 to 6,000 Kbps. If youre using a standard frame rate (30fps), aim for the lower end of the range, between 3,500 and 5,000 Kbps. If you have a high frame rate (60fps), aim for a bitrate of 4,500 to 6,000 Kbps.
Its important to note that using too high or low of a bitrate can lead to poor image quality or buffering for your viewers. Additionally, bitrate is highly dependent on your internet connection speed and how well your streaming computer can encode video. Therefore, its recommended to test different bitrates and resolutions to find the best balance between quality and stability for your specific setup.