what breed is bond forger

what breed is bond forger

1 year ago 38

Bond Forger is a large dog of an indeterminate breed with fluffy white fur and black paws. Although the breed of Bond is not explicitly stated in the Spy x Family manga, fans have long assumed it is a Pyrenean Mountain Dog, which is often referred to as Great Pyrenees. This breed of dog has thick, white hair and frequently has black paws and is vast. The French Pyrenean Mountain Dog is a relative of the Spanish Pyrenean Mastiff. Bond is a friendly, extremely cute dog, who is the pet of the Forger family. He is very close to Anya Forger and is a very interesting character himself. Bond Forger is a pivotal character in the series and has the power of precognition, can predict the future, and is very bright for a dog.

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