what breed is scrappy doo

what breed is scrappy doo

1 year ago 41

Scrappy-Doo is a Great Dane puppy and the nephew of Scooby-Doo in various incarnations of the Scooby-Doo cartoon series. Despite his small size, Scrappy-Doo is known for his bravery, loyalty, and catchphrases like “Lemme at ‘em!” and “Puppy Power!” . Scrappy-Doo looks similar to Scooby, but there are some differences too. The biggest difference is the size. Scooby is huge, while Scrappy is still a small puppy that only comes to the human characters’ knees. Scrappy is also a lighter shade of brown than Scooby, and he doesn’t have Scoob’s iconic black spots. Another big difference is that Scrappy-Doo usually shows up walking on two legs like he’s making himself as tall as possible.

In summary, Scrappy-Doo is a Great Dane puppy, just like his uncle Scooby-Doo.

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