Garfield is an orange tabby cat of an unspecified breed. According to his creator, Jim Davis, Garfield is not one particular breed or even based off of a singular cat. Instead, he modeled him based on the many cats he met throughout his life. However, based on Garfields personality, facial features, and striped ginger fur, he is possibly an orange tabby Persian cat or Exotic Shorthair cat (which is the Persian cat’s shorthaired cousin) . Some other breeds that may have inspired Garfields lovable characteristics include the British Shorthair, Maine Coon, Munchkin, and Turkish Angora. It is important to note that Garfield type cats are not a breed, but many breeds with the orange tabby coat color pattern may have inspired the fictional feline. In summary, Garfields breed is not definitively known, but he may be closest to an orange tabby Persian or Exotic Shorthair based on his appearance and personality.