According to the College Board, calculators are allowed on all questions in the Math section of the PSAT/NMSQT, but most questions can be solved without using a calculator. The PSAT is divided into two math sections: one without a calculator and one with a calculator. The calculator section takes 45 minutes and includes 11 questions. Only battery-operated, handheld equipment can be used for testing, and no power cords are allowed for calculators. The following types of calculators are permitted during testing:
- Most graphing calculators (see chart)
- All scientific calculators
- All four-function calculators (not recommended)
The College Board recommends that students bring their own calculators and practice for the test using the same calculator they will use on test day. If a student has a calculator with characters that are one inch or higher, or if the calculator has a raised display that might be visible to other test-takers, they will be seated at the discretion of the test coordinator. The following graphing calculators are approved for use on the PSAT/NMSQT, and no other graphing calculator may be used:
- Casio
- Hewlett-Packard
- Radio Shack
- Sharp
- Texas Instruments
It is better to use a scientific calculator or a graphing calculator during the PSAT math test, but a four-function calculator can also be used.