what can i say

what can i say

1 year ago 35

"What can I say?" is a phrase used when you dont have any other good response to what someone says. It can be used in various situations, including:

  • When someone says something really good about you, and you agree but you dont want to brag.
  • When someone is really angry about something, but you arent able to fix their problem.
  • When someone criticizes you, and you agree that its true.

For example, if someone says "Youre such a good singer!", you can respond with "Yeah, well, what can I say? Its a gift".

The phrase can also be used to indicate that nothing that could be said would add to or improve the situation. For example, if someone apologizes for something they did wrong, you might respond with "What can I say? Its okay, lets move on".

In addition, "What Can I Say?" is the title of a song by the band Dead by April, and the title of a book by Catherine Newman that provides guidance and instruction to help kids establish or improve their social skills.

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