what can i use to clean makeup brushes

what can i use to clean makeup brushes

1 year ago 32

To clean makeup brushes, there are several options available. Here are some tips from experts:

  1. Liquid dish soap: Liquid dish soap can efficiently remove makeup product residue that has already caked. Apply some dish soap to a sponge and wipe your brushes on the soapy sponge. Rinse the brush with lukewarm water, wipe it down with a towel, and then leave it flat to dry.

  2. Baby shampoo: Baby shampoo does a great job of cleaning makeup brushes. Its also gentle on the bristles. Pour a drop of baby shampoo into some lukewarm water and swirl the brush around in the mixture. Rinse the brush with lukewarm water, wipe it down with a towel, and then leave it flat to dry.

  3. Makeup brush cleanser: There are several makeup brush cleansers available in the market that can help clean brushes quickly and effectively. For example, the Cinema Secrets Professional Makeup Brush Cleanser is a great option for quick hygienic brush cleaning, as it contains an antimicrobial solution for bacteria-free brushes. The drying time is fast, and brushes are clean and dry in minutes.

  4. DIY cleanser: A popular homemade brush cleanser is a mixture of dish soap and olive oil at a one-to-one ratio. The dish soap kills germs, while the oil helps break down built-up product. Cleaning your brushes with a non-drying shampoo, baby shampoo, face wash, or mild dish soap once a week is also a good option.

When cleaning makeup brushes, its important to rinse only the tips of the brushes under lukewarm running water to remove residual makeup. Take care not to get the whole brush head wet because the lukewarm water may dissolve the glue that holds the handle and brush head together. After cleaning, lay the brushes flat to dry on a towel with the tips hanging off the edge of the counter. Do not dry the brushes upright in a container, as this will cause the water to run down the brushes, loosening the glue that connects the brush head with the handle.

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