what can i use to kill stink bugs

what can i use to kill stink bugs

1 year ago 41

Stink bugs can be a nuisance when they invade our homes. Here are some ways to get rid of them:

  1. Garlic spray: Garlic repels stink bugs and is a natural deterrent. Create your own garlic spray by mixing two cups of water and four teaspoons of garlic powder or a handful of garlic cloves.

  2. Home remedy: A simple combination of hot water, dish soap, and white vinegar is suggested to be an effective "trap" for stink bugs. Fill a straight-sided ½-1-gallon container 25% full of water mixed with 1 teaspoon of liquid soap or detergent. When disturbed, stink bugs tend to fall into the container.

  3. Vacuum: Use an insect-trapping vacuum or a regular vacuum cleaner with bags to remove stink bugs without smushing them or causing distress. For bad infestations, some homeowners buy a small shop vac dedicated for stink bug use.

  4. Chemicals: Common chemical sprays contain deltamethrin, a pesticide known to kill stink bugs, and can be used near common entry points or around windows or other spots where the bugs like to congregate. If you choose to use a pesticide, read the label before you buy and try a lower toxicity product first.

  5. Prevention: Seal up any cracks around the house where stink bugs can enter. Check for broken screens, too. In early fall, before stink bugs begin to look for a place to over-winter, apply fast-drying, fume- and stain-free Ortho® Home Defense Max® Indoor Insect Barrier with Extended Reach Comfort Wand® around windows, doorways, and other entry points to your home (such as dryer vents) .

Its important to note that stink bugs are generally harmless to humans and do not bite. If you come across a stink bug, try gently transferring the bug outside or using one of the methods above to remove it without causing harm.

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