what can you do for a broken big toe

what can you do for a broken big toe

1 year ago 43

If you have a broken big toe, there are several things you can do to help it heal. Most broken toes can be treated at home without surgery. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Rest: Stop doing any physical activity that causes pain, and keep your foot immobile whenever possible.

  • Ice: For the first 24 hours, ice your toe for 20 minutes at a time, several times a day. This can help reduce swelling and pain.

  • Elevation: Prop your foot up when possible so that your injury is higher than your heart. This can also help reduce swelling.

  • Pain relief: You can usually manage pain from a broken toe with over-the-counter medicines such as ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, or acetaminophen. Severe pain might require prescription painkillers.

  • Buddy taping: Wrap tape around the injured toe and the toe next to it. This helps keep your toe stable. Place a small wad of cotton between your toes to prevent tissues from becoming too moist. Change the cotton daily.

  • Footwear: It may be painful to wear a regular shoe. In this case, your doctor can provide a stiff-bottomed shoe. This will protect your toe and make room for swelling. Once swelling has gone down, wear a solid, stable shoe to protect your toe.

Most broken toes will heal on their own with proper care at home. It can take 4 to 6 weeks for complete healing. Most pain and swelling will go away within a few days to a week[[6]](https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/musculoskeletal/what-should-i-do-for-a-bro...

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