what can you do with a linguistics degree

what can you do with a linguistics degree

1 year ago 37

A degree in linguistics can provide a foundation for a wide range of jobs and careers, as it intersects with many areas such as anthropology, computer science, engineering, foreign language study, neurology, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and speech & hearing science, among others. Here are some examples of jobs and careers that graduates with a linguistics degree can pursue:

  • Speech and language therapy: Linguistics graduates can train as speech and language therapists.
  • Teaching: Graduates can teach foreign languages, English as a second language, or literacy.
  • Computational linguist: Graduates can work in the tech industry as computational linguists, developing language software and working for blue-chip companies, labs, universities, or big software brands.
  • Translator: Graduates can work as translators, writing, compiling, and editing dictionaries for native speakers, learners of English, professionals, and bilingual speakers.
  • Linguistics professor: Graduates can pursue an academic career and use their expert knowledge to teach in university departments such as linguistics, philosophy, psychology, speech and communication sciences, or anthropology.
  • Copy editor: Graduates can work as copy editors, proofreading and editing university publications, books, or other written materials.
  • Foreign language teacher: Graduates can teach foreign languages in schools or universities.

Linguistics graduates can also work in communications and media, government administration, marketing, public relations, publishing, and information technology. Studying linguistics helps develop important skills such as analytical and critical thinking, problem-solving, argumentation, data collection and analysis, and written and oral expression. Graduates also become familiar with many different languages and cultures and develop cross-cultural skills, which are useful in many careers that may not otherwise seem related to linguistics.

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