Crabapples are edible and can be used in a variety of ways. Here are some ideas:
Crabapple sauce: Similar to applesauce, crabapple sauce can be made by cooking crabapples with a bit of water and sweetener to taste. The sauce can be used as a topping for oatmeal, yogurt, or ice cream.
Crabapple jelly: Crabapples are high in pectin, which makes them ideal for making jelly. All you need is crabapples and sugar to make a delicious jelly that can be used as a spread on toast or as a glaze for meats.
Crabapple juice: Crabapples can be used to make a tart and tangy juice that is high in vitamin C. Simply cook the crabapples with a little cream of tartar and sugar to taste, then strain the mixture and enjoy.
Crabapple liqueur: For a heady mixture, fill a jar with chopped crabapples, sugar, and vodka. Store the jar out of sunlight and rotate it every day for two weeks. Strain and enjoy.
Crabapple caramel: This homemade caramel crabapple recipe uses maple syrup and maple sugar to sweeten. Its a delicious treat that can be enjoyed on its own or used as a topping for ice cream or cake.
Pickled crabapples: Crabapples can be pickled in cider vinegar and spiced with your favorite seasonings. They make a great addition to roasted chicken or an appetizer tray.
Crabapple fruit leather: Crabapple puree can be spread on sheets and dried in a dehydrator or oven to make fruit leather. You can use crabapples alone or make different flavor blends by adding in strawberries, pears, or other complimentary fruits.
Crabapple pie or crisp: Crabapples can be used in place of regular apples in pies and crisps. They add a tartness that pairs well with sweeteners like sugar or maple syrup.
Overall, crabapples are versatile and can be used in a variety of sweet and savory dishes.