what card details to give to receive payment

what card details to give to receive payment

1 year ago 36

To receive payment through bank transfer, you need to provide the person sending you money with the following details:

  • Full name: This is the name on your bank account.
  • Sort code: This is a six-digit number that identifies the branch of the bank where your account is held.
  • Account number: This is an eight-digit number unique to your account.

If you are receiving payment through a credit card, merchants involved in phone transactions will ask you for the following details:

  • Your full credit card number
  • Your name as it appears on the card
  • The card’s CVV (card verification value) or security code
  • The expiration date on the card
  • Your billing address with zip code
  • Your phone number

It is important to double-check all details, even if preloaded by your bank, to avoid sending money to the wrong account. If you are unsure, consider sending a small "test payment" of a small amount before the full amount to ensure accuracy.

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