what causes a stitch when not exercising

what causes a stitch when not exercising

1 year ago 102

A stitch, also known as a side stitch, is a stabbing pain in the side of the abdomen that can occur during exercise or physical activity. While the exact cause of a stitch is unknown, there are several theories as to what may cause it:

  • Diaphragm spasms: One theory suggests that side stitches are simply diaphragm spasms.

  • Lack of blood supply to the diaphragm: Another school of thought states that when blood is diverted away from the diaphragm, which needs blood during exercise, it causes a cramp in the area.

  • Irritation of the parietal membrane: The most common theory suggests that stitches are caused by the parietal membrane (around the abdominal area) becoming irritated. When you exercise, your abdominal muscles become tired and leave your back muscles to do more of the work, resulting in pressure on certain nerves.

  • Ligament strain: During running, the jolting of organs connected to the diaphragm puts a strain on certain ligaments, which can result in the pain we characterize as a stitch.

  • Gastrointestinal distress: Eating too close to a workout or consuming the wrong things too close to a workout can trigger a side stitch. If you have food in your stomach, your body will naturally pump more blood to that area as part of the digestion process. This means less blood in the diaphragm and a higher chance of diaphragm cramping.

To prevent a stitch, it is useful to be mindful of the following measures:

  • Make good food choices and avoid eating too close to a workout.

  • Stay hydrated before exercising.

  • Warm up properly before exercising.

  • Breathe deeply and exhale slowly during exercise.

  • Reduce the length of your workouts if you are prone to stitches.

If you do experience a stitch during exercise, there are several things you can do to alleviate the pain:

  • Stop your activity or take a break to walk.

  • Breathe deeply and exhale slowly.

  • Stretch the affected area.

  • Massage the affected area.

A stitch should go away within a few minutes after you stop exercising. If you are prone to them, try reducing the length of your workouts. If you experience persistent or severe pain, it is important to seek medical attention.

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