what causes bags under eyes

what causes bags under eyes

1 year ago 46

Bags under the eyes are mild swelling or puffiness under the eyes, which are usually a cosmetic concern and rarely a sign of a serious condition. The tissues around the eyes weaken as you age, including some of the muscles supporting your eyelids, and fat that helps support the eyes can then move into the lower eyelids, causing them to appear puffy. Fluid may also accumulate below your eyes. Here are some common causes of bags under the eyes:

  • Natural aging: Loss of firmness in the skin and muscles happens as you age.
  • Sleep issues: When you sleep, fluids settle in the tissue beneath your eyes. Getting too little sleep can cause your blood vessels to leak and mix with those fluids, leading to dark circles.
  • Allergies/sinus problems: In addition to stuffing up your nose, allergies cause swelling in sinus tissue, which can appear as puffiness under your eyes.
  • Tobacco use: The nicotine in tobacco disrupts your natural sleep patterns, which can cause fluids to collect beneath your eyes. Smoking also produces substances that break down the elasticity of the skin and the collagen that helps keep skin firm.
  • Alcohol use: Although alcohol is a liquid, it dehydrates the body. When you are dehydrated, the skin under your eyes becomes flabby and weak, causing bags to form.
  • High-salt diet: Eating a lot of salty foods causes you to retain water and leads to swelling.
  • Genetics: Having under-eye bags can be a physical characteristic that runs in your family.

At-home remedies, such as cool compresses, can help improve the appearance of bags under the eyes. For persistent or bothersome under-eye puffiness, eyelid surgery may be an option.

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