what causes bowed legs

what causes bowed legs

1 year ago 38

Bowed legs, also known as genu varum, is a condition where the knees curve outward, leaving a wide space. It is normal for infants to be born with bowed legs due to their folded position in the mothers womb, and most children outgrow it as they start to stand and walk. However, if the condition persists beyond the age of three, it may suggest an underlying problem. Here are some of the causes of bowed legs:

  • Physiologic genu varum: This is the most common cause of bowed legs, where the fetus rotates some of its bones while in the uterus to fit in the small space.

  • Rickets: This is caused by a deficiency in calcium or vitamin D, which makes the bones softer and weaker, leading to bowed legs.

  • Dwarfism: A bone growth disorder called achondroplasia, which is the most common type of dwarfism, can cause bowed legs.

  • Fractures that havent healed correctly: This can cause bowed legs.

  • Fluoride or lead poisoning: These can cause bowed legs.

The main symptom of bowed legs is the appearance of the legs, where the knees dont touch when standing with the feet and ankles together. Sometimes, children may walk with their toes pointed inward (pigeon toes or intoeing) . Bowed legs do not typically cause any pain in younger children, but persistent bowing can lead to discomfort in the hips, knees, and/or ankles during adolescence.

If a child still has bowed legs at about age three, they should be evaluated by an orthopedic specialist. A doctor will typically get the patients history, do a physical examination, and order a standing-alignment X-ray or EOS imaging of the legs to diagnose bowed legs. There is no known way to prevent bowed legs, but parents can prevent certain conditions that are known to cause bowed legs, such as rickets, by ensuring their child gets enough vitamin D and calcium in their diet.

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