what causes cluster headaches everyday

what causes cluster headaches everyday

1 year ago 41

The cause of cluster headaches is not fully understood, but several factors have been identified as potential triggers. These include:

  • Alcohol use or smoking cigarettes: Both alcohol consumption and smoking have been linked to cluster headaches.
  • Change to a high altitude: Traveling to high altitudes can trigger cluster headaches.
  • Bright light: Exposure to bright light, including sunlight, can be a trigger for some individuals.
  • Exercise or exertion: Physical activity can also be a trigger for cluster headaches.
  • Heat: Both hot weather and hot baths have been associated with triggering cluster headaches.
  • Foods that contain nitrates: Certain foods such as bacon or lunch meat, which contain nitrates, may act as triggers.
  • Cocaine use: The use of cocaine has been identified as a potential trigger for cluster headaches.

Its important to note that while these triggers have been identified, the exact cause of cluster headaches is still unknown. Researchers believe that cluster headaches may be related to the sudden release of histamine or serotonin in the body, and there may be involvement of the hypothalamus, a small area at the base of the brain. Additionally, cluster headaches are more common in men, and they tend to occur between the ages of 20 and 40, although they can affect individuals of any age.

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