what causes dents in fingernails

what causes dents in fingernails

1 year ago 108

There are several possible causes of dents in fingernails, including:

  • Spoon nails (koilonychia): Soft nails turned up around the edges, often a symptom of iron deficiency anemia.

  • Beaus lines: Horizontal ridges or dents in the nails, which can be a sign of illness, injury, severe stress, vitamin or nutrient deficiencies, or long-term health problems. Some specific causes of Beau's lines include COVID-19, heart attack, high fever, measles, mumps, pneumonia, and strep infections.

  • Nail pitting: Small indents or depressions on the nail surface, often linked to psoriasis, eczema, or joint inflammation. Nail pitting can also be a sign of other conditions, such as reactive arthritis, alopecia areata, or inflammation caused by an infection elsewhere.

  • Dermatologic conditions and autoimmune diseases: These can cause skin cell overgrowth and buildup, leading to dents in the nails.

  • Injuries or trauma to the nail matrix: Damage to the area where nails start to grow can result in dents in the nails.

  • Long-term health problems interfering with blood flow to the nail matrix: Conditions that affect blood flow can disrupt nail growth and lead to dents in the nails.

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